
 All The Commands That I Used On My Video:

  • CreateOU:
New-ADOrganizationalUnit "Jerusalem"
  • CreateGroup:
New-ADGroup -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Global -Name JerusalemGroup -DisplayName JerusalemGroup -Path "OU=Jerusalem,DC=Domain,DC=com"
  • Import-CSV:
    1. First Move The CSV-File to C:\ .
    2. Run This Command As Administrator. (The Password Of All Users Is “Pa55w.rd”, You Can Change That By Edit The Command)
import-csv c:\Users.csv | foreach {New-ADUSer -Name $_.DisplayName -displayName $_.DisplayName -GivenName $_.FirstName -Surname $_.LastName -Path $_.Path -ACCountPassword (ConvertTo-Securestring -AsPlaintext "Pa55w.rd" -Force) -ChangePasswordAtLogon: $_.False -Enabled: $true}

:Download Csv File

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